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  Organic Chemistry 7/e  (SIE)

Organic Chemistry 7/E (Sie)

by Carey

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  Organic Chemistry the first edition included a number of features that were well received by teachers and students. Features * Annotated summary tables; sample solutions to problems withinthe body of the text; spoecific examples of reactions taken from the literature; the routine naming of all the compounds in a equation. * All were refined and expanded in the Organic Chemistry second edition. There they were joined by additional features; a detailed glossary defining over 500 important terms; boxed essays and marginal notes. Both boxed essays and marginal notes werre standard fare in general chemistry texts but neglected in organic texts prior to their appearance in the second edition. * Again users of the text found these features enhanced its value, and thus the number of boxed esays and marginal notes has been increased in the New Edition. * Contents : 1.Chemical bonding 2. Alkanes 3. Conformations of alkanes and cycloalkanes 4. Alcohols and alkyl halides 5. Structure and preparation of alkenes: Addition reactions 7. Stereochemistry 8. Nuclecophilic substitution 9. Alkynes 10. Conjugation in alkadienes and allylic systems 11. Arenes and aromaticity 12. Reactions of arenas: Electrophilic aromatic substitution 13. Spectroscopy 14. Organometallic compounds 15. Alcohols, diols and thiols 16. Ethers, epoxides and sulfides 17. Aldehydes and ketones; Nucleophilic Addition to the Carbonyl Group 18. Enols and Enolates 19. Cardoxylic Acids. 20. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives; Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution 21. Ester Enolates 22. Amines 23. Aryl Halides 24. Phenols 25. Carbohydrates 26. Acetate Derived natural Products 27. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins : Nucleic Acids Appendix 1: Physical properties Appendix 2: Answers to In Text problems Glossary. Index. ISBN :9780070667167

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