INDISPENSABLE BOOKS ON THE PLAYS BYSHAKESPEARE* The plays featured in this series are Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth Antony and Cleopatra which have been edited by W. Turner. The texts provide a comprehensive treatment of the plays under various headingso the English Drama, the Elizabethan Stage, Shakespeareis Life and Creer, shakespeareis times, Shakespeareis Works, Date of composition and Publication, The sources of the Play, the nature of shakespearean tragedy, the Dramiatica Construction and the Characters. The plays are made easy for the Indian students by peoviding a paraphrease along with the original lines and footnotes as well as exhaustive notes to explain the meaning. Several specimen questions and answers are also provided from the examination point of view. ISBN: 81-219-0508-5