This book introduces the reader to computer programming.* It takes up programming right from the fundamentals and hence no prior kn;owledge of programming is required of the reader* The book acquaints the reader with the more common and powerful programming languages like Visual Basic, C++, Java besides, it also takes up the .NET Platform and two powrful .NET languages - C# and VB.NET.* The basic concepts of programming like variables, data types, operators, loops, arrays, etc. have been explained in details with reference to the above mentioned languages. * Besides their use is illustrated with numerous sample programs giving the reader a strong foundation of programming. CD Contains: Self-learning Programming Tutorials on VB/ VB.Net, C/C++, Java, and C# 4000 illustrations.* Now, use the self-learning Tutor CD ( software) which teaches you step by step through Audio-Video demonstration on the computer* w/CD . Pages : 600
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