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  Advanced Cost Accounting Cost Management , 13th Edition

Advanced Cost Accounting Cost Management , 13Th Edition

by S.P. Jain, K.L. Narang, Simmi Agrawal

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 604.50
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Fundamental Principles
1. Introduction
2. Material Cost and Control
3. Labour Cost, Remuneration and Incentives
4. Overhead Costs
5. Non-Manufacturing Costs
Accounting Systems and Methods of Costing
1. Accounting Systems for Recording Cost
2. Specific Order Costing
3. Operation Costing-I (Unit, Service and Multiple Costing)
4. Operation Costing-II (Process Costing)
5. Joint Products and By-products
6. Uniform Costing and Inter-firm Comparison
Other Techniques of Cost Analysis and Control
1. Cost control and Cost Reduction
2. Productivity and Value Analysis
3. Information System and Reporting to Management
4. Cost Audit and Management Audit
5. Responsibility Accounting & Performance Evaluation
6. Capital Budgeting Decisions
Volume II
Part IV : Strategic Cost Management
Advanced Management Accounting (Including Cost Management)
1. Strategic Cost Management
2. Activity Based Costing (ABC)
3. Target Costing
4. Life Cycle Costing
5. Value Chain Analysis
6. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
7. Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
8. Just in Time Inventory
9. Total Quality Management (TQM)
10. Bench Marking
11. Backflush Costing
Part V
Techniques of Cost Analysis and Control
1. Basic Cost Concepts in Decision Making
2. Marginal Costing and Cost Volume Profit Analysis
3. Problems on Decision Making
4. Budget and Budgetory Control System
5. Standards Costing and Variance Analysis
6. Pricing Decisions, Pareto Analysis
7. Transfer Pricing
8. Costing of Service Sector
Quantitative Techniques
1. Quantitative Techniques
2. Linear Programming Problem
3. Assignment Problems
4. Transportation Problems
5. PERT and CPM
6. Simulation
7. Learning Curves .ISBN 9789327230260

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