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  You Can Heal Your Life

You Can Heal Your Life

by Louise L. Hay

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 399.20
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  You Can Heal Your Life, a New York Times bestseller, is a self-help book that focuses on physical well being through mental training. Louise L. Hay explains how thoughts are the main driving force of one’s body’s mechanism, in order to drive home the point of mental healing.

Thoughts and acts have an impact on how the human body learns to interpret and interact with the world. Hay provides practical guidance on how to get rid of one’s negative thoughts and unlock the mind’s potential to heal any illness. She also shows how negative thoughts build up and create negative energy that blocks and prevents people from making their lives better.

The author firmly believes that thoughts shape human lives. She uses her own experience to help readers, and gives out snippets of her personal struggle. Hay was diagnosed with cancer, but she states that she applied the techniques described in the book to cure herself. She attempts to show the readers how it is possible to use the strength of their thoughts in positive ways, to heal illnesses and make life better for themselves.ISBN-9788190565585

Pages : 272
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