Interview with gandhi, account of "salt march" ahimsa or the way of nonviolence, education and character building : role of gandhian institutions, curriculum on non-violence and peace, involving university students in peace action and conflict resolution, gandhi, non-violence and socuial order, the eight fundamentals of democracy : a gandhian analysis, the gandhian model of nonviolent social order, violence aaround and its solution, global peace movement : the highest statge of the social movements and the impact of gandhi, emergence of the global peace movement, gandhi`s nonviolence and india today, anatomy of violence, state terrorism, governmental lawlessness, police violence, political violence, criminalizational, societal violence, communalism, terrorist movement, social milieu and gandhi`s nonviolence, peace research between utopanism and conventionalism : violence and nonviolence-the gandhian heritage, gandhi and the cost of of nonviolence, the modern industrial-military state : a gandhian analysis, social service for university youth, objectives of the social service, planning and development, conditions for the success of the project, undermining nonviolence : the coming role of new police technologies, new technologies of political control, January 2001, PP 310, bibliography, references, 22 14 cm., hardback, ISBN 81-7755-138-8