Observations on the Esoteric manners and customs of semi-civilized peoples; being a record of thirty years experience in asia, africa, american and oceania, set in 2 volumes. UNTRODDEN FIELDS OF ANTHROPOLOGYis a pioneering work in the area of Medical Anthropology and is probably one of the earliest works that deals with psychotherapathology of sexual life in human solciety than any other work written on the same subject. In the words of the celebrated sir richard burton, " these volumes affords a long south-opportunity of noticing practices and customs which interest all manking and which` society` will not hear mentioned`. This classical work written by a French Army Surgeon first appeared in 1896 and attained immediate success at that `untouched` and ignored subject (tabooed sex), in a temperate and scientific split, in the words of author himself,…. This is not an obscene work, but a psychological sketch of the history of the sexual passions of the human race, a stone towards the building of a vast edifice which, as yet, has hardly commenced", The author`s 30 long years experience in Asia, Africa, America and oceania placed him in a unique position to provide curious details concerning the manners and customs of almost unknown peoples and tribes. Index, Bibliography, Clothith. ISBN 81-7092-921-8.