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  Encyclopaedia Of Educational Administration, 5 Volumes

Encyclopaedia Of Educational Administration, 5 Volumes

by Paul Monore

  Price : Rs 11500.00
  Your Price : Rs 9775.00
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  The Educational Administration is currently undergoing great intellectual change world wide, especially in the developing world. The dominant scientific tradition now completes with a range of issues, systematically different accounts of such major concerns in the field as : the nature of administration and organisational ability, explaining values of human subjectivity in our account of the educational organisation, the nature of educational policy and the conduct of research. The international encyclopaedia of educational administration is a pioneering work which surveys and analysis all the most important theories in the field including the propounders of educational administration through the centuries. COSMO is pleased to announce the publication of this completely new international refernce work on educational administration. The encycloopaedia of educational administration will provide a comparative, historical and critical review of the state of educational administration from an international perspective. It includes articles outlining the administrative practices followed in some of the leading countries. It also provides review articles of the structure of management and organisation in the leading educational institutions of the world including United Kingdokm, Germany, France and United States. The authors of the articles have been internationally recognised authorites in the field of educational administration from throughout the world. This encyclopaedia thus offers comparative, international and ocmprehensive treatment of the entire range of administrative issues connected with education. The encyclopaedia will serve the practical needs of government officials, administrators and that of general public, as well as the scholarly interest of professors, students and researchers. Set in five volumes, PP 10 +1500, Cloth bound, Jacket, Boxed ISBN 81-7755-163-9.

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