CONTRIBUTORS : E.B. TAYLOR, GEOFFERY PARRINDER, H. LAN HOGBIN. J. H. HUTTON, E. ADAMSON HOEBEL, RUTH FULTON, BENEDICT, RONALD A. REMINICK, J. H. M. BEATTIE, MELFORT G. SPIRO. CONTENTS : Introduction, animism, fetischism, sacrifice, the supreme being, mana, the significance of head-hunting ijn assam, the sun dance of the hekandika shoshone, the vision in plains culture, leopard-men in the naga hills, the evil eye belief among the amhara of ethiopioa, the ghost cult in bunyoro, nats, November 2001, pp 12+312, bibliography, size 22 14 cm, cloth Bound, jacket, ISBN 81-7755-185-X