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  The Hindus : Encyclopaedia Of Hinduism

The Hindus : Encyclopaedia Of Hinduism

by S. Kapoor

  Price : Rs 15000.00
  Your Price : Rs 12750.00
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  Hinduism has marched through the ages, almost unaffected by external onslaughts. The more one prys into and study the ancient civilization and culture of India, more one is struch by the gigantic dimensions, excellence and enduring character of hindu traditions. Everything in india has been on a colossal scale; its mountains; its rivers, its wealth- both spirityal and material-and its literature-vedas, vedanta, upanishads, epics, drmas etc. They breathe the social, religious and cultural developments of ages. Hinduism has stood like a monument amidst the streams of invading horders from time immemorial, nearly in the same form from those ages whose history in last in the twilights of oblivion and mythical legend to the present day. It is the innnate truths and intrinsic merit of Hinduism that has preserved its pristinje glory rom the ravages of time and mifortunes. The enormous volume of literature on the heritage and culture of the hindus has not only created a demand for general worjk of rerence, but has also made iknown the necessity for a hindu encyclopaedia of a more a special character. To bind the ocean called hinduism between the covers of a book is indeed a dauting taks. It is againsdt the background of challenge that this encyclopaedia of hinduism has been prepared, because it is not possible otherwise to have at our command the vast sources of learning which have accumulated over centuries. The present work is an attempt to met the universally growing demand for a hindu encyclopaedia. This is a far reaching claim to make, but the mere glance at the contents will reveal its scope ande the names of those whosse writings have been included in the encyclopaedia will establish its authenticity, the contributors include some of the foremost and eminent names-both indian and foreign-who have devoted life times to the study of hinduism. The word `Hinduism" is taken in the most comprehensive meaning, as the contents of these volumes will show. The encyclopaedia contains articles on all possible aspects of the Hindus. The encyclopaeida contains articles on the religious traditions and customs, on every ethical movement of the hindus, each philosophical idea, every moral and spiritual practice. All important personages, delties, and places as are famous in the whole spectrum of the Hindu history and its philosophical systems have been included. The encyclopaedia thus endeavours to embrae the whole range of history, theology and philosophy, together with the relevant positions concerning its history, anthropology, mythology, folklore, psychology, economics, politics and diplomacy, socilogy and its arts, music, dance architecture and other fine arts. The encyclopaedia also covers interesting but neglected areas of ancient hindu science like mathematics, astronomy, geometry, alchemy and medicine including surgey, anatomy etc. The fascinating areas like the hindu marriage traditions, wine and drinking, food, gambling and sports, crafts and handicraft als find ample space. The encyclopaedia includes fascinating articles on issues like language and literature. Yoga and meditation, festivals and fasts, and sexjuality and erotica. The important eras ( yugas) in which hindus divide their history are treated with ample clarity by leading authorities. The encyclopaedia of hinduism is the first publicaion to satisyfy the need for a vast introductory work in sucha a diverse field. The wide range of matter dealt with in these volumes presents the panoramic view of the civilization and the culture of Hindus in its different facets and in the different periods of history. Entries are placed in alphabetical order with cross references to their topics and entries where appropriate. Each entry is created in simple and easy to understand language summarizing the most important aspects of creative research and writings related to the specific topics. The bibliography at the end of each article suggests additional souces for more information. The value of the whole work is enhanced by a separate volume of a hindu dictionarry which provides ready access to almost all conceivable personnages, places, deites, gods or goddess that one is likely to encounter in studying the hindus. Pp 2650 tables, alphabetical entries, double column, extensive bibliography and references, size 29 32 cm. Cloth Binding, ISBN 81-7755-030-6. Set in 5 volumes. The work is alphabetically organised covering over 750 subject areas connected with all aspects of hindu history, theology and philosphy together with the relevant portions concerning its anthropology, mythology, folklore, psychology, economics, politics and diplomacy, sociology; and its arts, music, dance, architecture, fine arts. also included are all significant areas concerning ancient hindu sciences like mathematics, astronomy, geometry, alchemisy, surgery, medicine, anatomy etc. The fifth volume of the work is the largest and most comprehensive dictionary of hinduism ever prepared. The first encyclopaedia of this kind in the world, 5 volumes.

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