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  Easy Money : Evolution of the Global Financial system to the Great Bubble Burst

Easy Money : Evolution Of The Global Financial System To The Great Bubble Burst

by Vivek Kaul

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 389.22
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  The US dollar moves the world. It makes the United States of America the world’s only superpower. But things weren’t always as they are now. The British pound was the world’s premier international currency, much up to the first half of the twentieth century. And then things changed and the dollar became the international currency that every country in the world wanted. What made these pieces of green paper so powerful? What role did Hitler have to play in it? Why does the United States have the privilege of the dollar as the global currency? Vivek Kaul answers these and many more questions in the second book in the Easy Money series.

ISBN : 9789352777556

Pages : 356
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