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  Problems In Mathematics with Hints And Solutions

Problems In Mathematics With Hints And Solutions

by V. Govorov| P. Dybov| N. Miroshin|S. Smirnova

  Price : Rs 160.00
  Your Price : Rs 128.00
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  The Classic Texts Series is only one of its kind selections of classic pieces that started off as a bestseller and continues to be the same today as well. These classic texts have been designed to work as elementary textbooks, which help the students in building the concepts to prepare for various competitive examinations.

The newly updated edition of ‘Problems in Mathematics’ contains more than three thousand mathematics problems and covers each topic taught at school. While writing this classic text piece the authors have used their experience of examining students in mathematics at higher schools. To make it easier for the readers to grasp the material, some of the sections have been supplemented with explanatory text. Well explained theoretical concepts have been provided in points between each chapter for clarifying relevant basic concepts. The problems covered in the book have been solved and some contain additional hints as well for better comprehension of the concepts. At the end of each chapter, unsolved practice exercises have been provided to help aspirants revise the concepts discussed in the chapter. Hope this book from the Classic Text Series will help the readers get into the depth of various topics covered under Problems in Mathematics which have been discussed thoroughly and comprehensively. This book features:
  1. The Classical Text series is a collection of classic pieces of work that continues to be bestseller
  2. Works as elementary text book building the concepts
  3. Explains various concepts of Mathematics
  4. Divided into 4 Parts and further into chapters
  5. Each chapter carries theoretical explanations and unsolved practice exercise
  6. Last part covers the problems & questions which are asked during oral examinations.
  7. Hints & solutions are provided for practice exercises given part-wise
  8. Appendix at the end to help aspirants get additional information on the topics.

ISBN : 9789351762553

Pages : 386
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