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Mathematics For Learning Physics

by Abhishek Kumar

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  1. This book is designed to provide a basic course in Mathematics for understanding Phyiscs and its
2. Guide is divide into 16 Chapters
3. Each chapter carries ample number of solved questions for understanding
4. It also proved useful for Class XI & XII syllabus of physics as compulsory subjects
5. it provides sufficient knowledge of mathematical concepts and techniques which are necessary
for understanding the concepts of Physics.

Every year a large number of students passing class 10th and entering into class 11th dream of getting into Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The classes X pass outs are burdened suddenly with heavy weight books which are a part of preparation for entering IITs and other premier engineering institutes. Only a few are able to cope up with the vast and different curriculum of XI Class. This book has been designed as a basic course in Mathematics for understanding the language of physics and mastering its concepts. The present book has been divided into 16 chapters namely Quadratic Equations, Trigonometric Ratios, Compound Angles, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Coordinates, Locus, Function, Limit & Continuity, Differentiation, Application of Differentiation, Graph, Integration, Application of Integration, Differential Equation, Vector and Vector Function, each containing ample number of solved problems to help students get in depth understanding of the concepts. The book has been designed to be used as the first book after Class X for all those students who have to study Physics at Class XI and subsequent levels for any purpose. The aims at thorough understanding of the concepts of Algebra, Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry, Calculus & Vector to understand various concepts of Physics. This book has been developed in such a manner that it provides necessary and sufficient knowledge of all those mathematical concepts and techniques which are necessary for understanding and appreciating the concepts of Physics. This book will also prove to be useful for students who don’t have Mathematics as a full-fledged subject in their curricula at Class XI and XII levels but they have physics as a compulsory subject. As the book has been designed keeping in mind the needs of the aspirants willing to master the concepts of Physics, it for sure will help aspirants have comprehensive knowledge of Mathematical concepts which will further help them in mastering the concepts covered in Physics.

ISBN : 9789352032877

Pages : 272
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