The present volume contains a translation of the Sirozahs and Yasts, and of the Nyayis. This part of the Avesta treats chiefly of the mythical and legendary lore of Zoroastrianism. For a satisfactory translation of these texts, the etymological and comparative method is generally considered as the best or as the only possible one, on account of the entire absence of any traditional interpretation. The Yasts says about the lord of armies and wide pastures, Mithra, the god of light that released the hebrews from Babylon. The prayers and atrubutes related to Mithra are the same of the hebrew god Yawe, except that Mitrha is not the "creator". Yawe seems to be a copy-evolution from Mithra, or a mix between Mithra and Mazda, made up in the same intolerance as seen in Akhenaton cult of Aton, in Ancient Egypt.
ISBN : 9788121229616
Pages : 438