As the Pali Text Society began issuing editions and translations of the Pali Canon and Commentaries in quick succession, the authors conceived the idea of the compilation of an exhaustive dictionary of Pali, based on the voluminous basic material that was being brought to light. The work took more than twenty years of devoted labour. They had the satisfaction of seeing its first volume published. In four volumes issued over 1921-25 the Dictionary contains every Pali word with its Sanskrit root identified and meanings given in English. The book has given throughout the Sanskrit roots corresponding to the Pali roots and has omitted the latter. It may be objected that this is a strange method to use in a Pali dictionary, especially as the vernacular on which Pali is based had never passed through the stage of Sanskrit. That may be so; and it may not be possible, historically, that any Pali word in the canon could have been actually derived from the corresponding Sanskrit word. Nevertheless the Sanskrit form, though arisen quite independently, may throw light upon the Pali form; and as Pali roots have not yet been adequately studied in Europe, the plan adopted will probably, at least for the present, be more useful. Still, the work is essentially preliminary. There is a large number of words of which they do not know the derivation. There is a still larger number of which the derivation does not give the meaning but rather the reverse. This dictionary will prove to be a handy for learner, teacher and student.