The Magic Fishbone, alternatively titled Romance From the pen of Miss Alice Rainbird Aged Seven, is a parable, a satirical fairy tale reminding us to not be too quick to rely on magical solutions to life`s discomforts. It was published in Dickens’ collection, Holiday Romance (1868). This is the extraordinary story of a very ordinary princess named Alicia. Given a magic fish-bone by a good fairy, Alicia can have whatever she wishes, provided she wishes for it at the right time. But it`s never clear when the right time is, and sometimes the best magic is no magic at all.This funny and unexpectedly touching tale reveals a Victorian world that existed only in the mind of a child. The book perfectly blends the gifts of one of the world`s favorite storytellers with those of a great American illustrator. Readers are certain to be captivated by the tale of a king whose only riches lie in his children.