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  The Aphorisms Of Sandilya: With The Commentary Of Swapneswara Or, The Hindu Doctrine Of Faith

The Aphorisms Of Sandilya: With The Commentary Of Swapneswara Or, The Hindu Doctrine Of Faith

by E. B. Cowell

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 365.00
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  The name Sandilya is found in a well-known passage of the Chhandogya Upanishad, which recurs with a few verbal differences in the Satapatha brahmana the sage is there represented as declaring that the soul within us is Brahman. His doctrine is directly referred to in aphorism. This doctrine is called the Sandilya-vidya in the Vedanta-sara, and it is there characterised as consisting of devotional meditations directed towards Brahman viewed as possessed of qualities rather than as the Absolute. The author of these aphorisms apparently accepts his view as the true one and contrasts it with those of Kasyapa and Badarayana, the former of whom is represented as holding that Brahman is other than the individual soul, while the latter holds that the soul is nothing but Brahman, its apparent individuality being only an illusion. But the Sandilya-Vidya after all very imperfectly corresponds to the doctrine of the Sandilya sutras, which are properly a Mimamsa of faith (bhakti), as distinguished from the purva-mimamsa which treats of ceremonial works, and the uttara mimamsa which treats of knowledge. Their peculiar tenet is that liberation can only be produced by faith. The mundane existence of the individual soul has arisen from the want of faith not from the want of knowledge; and faith alone can abolish it. Faith effects this by abolishing the internal organ, which is associated with the soul and disguises its real nature

ISBN : 9788121221511

Pages : 130
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