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  Si-Yu-Ki Buddhist Records Of The Western World

Si-Yu-Ki Buddhist Records Of The Western World

by Samuel Beal

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 547.50
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  The author has made a good attempt to unravel the truth behind the SI-YU-KI Buddhist records of the Western World. The book is in two volumes. It would be impossible to mention seriatim the various points of interest in these works, as they refer to the geography, history, manners, and religion of the people of India. The reader who looks into the pages that follow will find ample material for study on all these questions. But there is one particular that gives a more than usual interest to the records under notice, and that is the evident sincerity and enthusiasm of the travellers themselves. Never did more devoted pilgrims leave their native country to encounter the perils of travel in foreign and distant lands; never did disciples more ardently desire to gaze on the sacred vestiges of their religion; never did men endure greater sufferings by desert, mountain, and sea than these simple - minded earnest Buddhist priests. And that such courage, religious devotion, and power of endurance should be exhibited by men so sluggish, as we think, in their very nature as the Chinese, this is very surprising, and may perhaps arouse some consideration. The book is immensely beneficial for common readers.

ISBN : 9788121250405

Pages : 379
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