The story of the drama Shakuntala is about the love affair of Shakuntala and Dushyanta. The plot is based upon love, secret marriage, separation of imprecation and reunion of immortal love of Dushyanta and Shakuntala. The theme of the drama is based on the Indian philosophy, "true love is immortal". Kalidasa has shown that while love leads to failure, kindness reaches the completion. The curse plays a vital role which makes Dushyanta to forget everything about Shakuntala. But the supreme form of love is the serene that was sharply followed and got succeeded by Shakuntala. Kalidasa concludes this drama with declaration of Shakuntala`s life is a creation of factual love and external beauty that determined true love is immortal. Shakuntala, based on a story from the Mahabharata, represents the high point of ancient Indian drama. The themes of purity of love and patient acceptance of the will of the gods are characteristic of the genre. This drama, Sir William Jones` translation of Kalidasa`s play, was first published in Calcutta, followed by European republications in 1790, 1792 and 1796.
ISBN : 9788121227537
Pages : 215