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  Riots And Martial Law In Ceylon, 1915

Riots And Martial Law In Ceylon, 1915

by P. Ramanathan

  Price : Rs 1980.00
  Your Price : Rs 1445.40
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  The author has made a noble attempt to explore the conditions of Ceylon in early part of the twentieth century (1915), when riots and martial law made miserable the lives of the Islanders by the then Government. Civil and political liberty can never flourish in a country which has no veneration for justice, and does not cultivate the Sense of Justice; in which the people do not protest then and there against acts of oppression, and take up the cause of the downtrodden as their own cause, and work constitutionally for redress. The writer believes that those who have been called by the king to do their duty to the people will do it when their eyes are opened, and make the contentment of the people their greatest concern. It is expected that the rights and liberties of the people are conserved, and that nothing will be done to shake their confidence in the righteousness of the British government. The author has preserved a map and few illustrations from oblivion, which he considers his duty to make the subject matter of the book is interesting and it will generate a good amount of interest amongst the readers.

ISBN : 9788121239622

Pages : 342
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