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Medieval India

by Stanley Lane-Poole

  Price : Rs 340.00
  Your Price : Rs 248.20
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  The author has delved deep to unearth the text in a compact manner. It contains a detailed and extensive exploration of medieval India. Compiled from contemporary sources, extracts from Arabic and Persian annals, and from accounts of contemporary European travellers, this fascinating volume was designed to `bring to life` some of the chief events and rulers of medieval India. This fantastic book is highly recommended for readers with an interest in Indian history, and it is not to be missed by the discerning collector. It contains the medieval period from the incursions of Mahmud of Ghazni about 1000 to 1764 when, after the shattering of the Maratha domination, the English took the Great Mogul under their protection and laid the foundations of the present Empire in India. The diffuse and elaborate style of the Persian writers, most of whom were bigoted Muslims, has been in many cases freely pruned or paraphrased, since no advantage would be gained in a book of this kind by a literal reproduction of Elliott and Dowson`s translations, from which most of the earlier extracts are derived; but the records of European travellers and the more recent and very accurate translations of living scholars have merely been abridged, though the spelling of oriental names has been made to confirm to that adopted throughout the book. Editorial insertions are placed within square brackets.

ISBN : 9788121227872

Pages : 169
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