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  Linguistic Survey of India (Tibeto-Burman Family - General Introduction, Specimens of the Tibet an Dialects, the Himalayan Dialects, and the North Assam Group)

Linguistic Survey Of India (Tibeto-Burman Family - General Introduction, Specimens Of The Tibet An Dialects, The Himalayan Dialects, And The North Assam Group)

by George A Grierson

  Price : Rs 1350.00
  Your Price : Rs 985.50
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  The Linguistic Survey of India is a comprehensive survey of the Language of British India, describing 364 languages and dialects. At the Oriental Congress held at Vienna, it was noted that the number of Indian Languages was unknown with estimates varying from twenty to 250. A resolution was passed urging the government to undertake a deliberate systematic survey of the languages of India. In 1900 the author moved to England for convenience of consulting European libraries and Scholars. By 1903 most of the data had come in. On Tibetan Languages the author worked with Sten Kono. On 8 may 1928 the completion of the Linguistic Survey of India was celebrated at the Criterion Restaurant by the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland with Lord Birkenhead. It is a monumental publication describing every known Languages and dialects of South Asian subcontinent.

ISBN : 9789351283249

Pages : 665
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