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  Human Ecology of Cultural Entitles

Human Ecology Of Cultural Entitles

by K.S. Gulia

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 657.00
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  Man and animals have biological needs to be met like food, water and protection. But humans are unique as compared to the animals because of their ability to produce a second nature out of the first nature. While the geographical and physical settings determined the adoptive rationale of the earlier human society, with advancement, the humans have carved a second nature out of the first nature. Different cultural entities and civilizations prospered in succession. New discoveries and inventions broke fresh ground with each generation. This book is a detailed study of man in social, anthropological, and psychological perspectives. This is the study of man in his given natural, geographical and social surroundings. In course of time, however, all these outside factors changed effecting the inside changes, too. So, here is a fascinating study since the stage of ape to the modern man.The book also deals with the different world races, individual cultures, and interface between cultures, use of language as a means to educate and brain-washing and different linguistic cultures. It serves as a research study to the discerning reader.

ISBN : 9788182054172

Pages : 398
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