The book–`Historical Development of Agriculture and Food in Bengal` is first attempt of its kind in India. Despite the time and again change of geographical area Bengal remained united in its diversity and rich with its mixed people and culture. As a result this fertile land was strong to overcome the disastrous events. With a large population it continued to be food-deficit even in eighties of last century when also farming was `bargdars` (share-croppers) receiving right to `barga-land` farming in Bengal became `small` and `marginal` farming. Applying their experience, skill and innovativeness they increased food production and the state achieved self-sufficiency in food by nineties of last century. Subsequently, farmers started switching over slowly to shor t -dur a t ion c a sh- c rops l ike vegetables, flowers etc. to enhance income. The book presents twelve periods of time from `early weapon-making and ` searching natural foods` passed through nine other historical periods to reach `modern agriculture` and `ready-to-eat food` era of this century. The dramatic course of events traced in this land although different could show there the path to trace their course of events. All together would form the valuable `roots` of anchorage for the country to progress and develop. Hence this book, it is hoped, would be useful for people interested in understanding course of events for progress of food and agriculture in their state as also the country with passing of time.
ISBN : 9789380222677
Pages : 311