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  Hindu Philosophy

Hindu Philosophy

by Theos Bernard

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 328.50
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  The aim of Hindu Philosophy is the extinction of sorrow and suffering by the method of knowledge that alone can free man from the bondage of ignorance. It points to a clear way of thinking which enables one to understand reality by direct experience. In the perspective, Hindu philosophy is an art of life and not a theory. In the book  presents a precise and illuminating study of six systems of Indian Philosophy classified into three divisions: Nyaya-Vaisesika, Samkhya-Yoga and Mimamsa-Vedanta. The first division lays down the methodology of science and elaborates the concepts of Physics and Chemistry to show how manifestations of phenomena come into being. The second division sets forth and account of cosmic evolution on purely logical principles. The third division critically analyses the basic principles, developing them in greater detail and furnishing arguments to substantiate, as well as making incidental contribution on points of special interest. Besides presenting an account of philosophical systems of India, the author adds a study of Kashmir Saivism, a system of Ideal Monism founded by Vasugupta and based on Siva Sutras. In this context the author throws sufficient light on the traditional Tantric literature.

ISBN : 9788121266352

Pages : 221
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