The novel `Helplessness` is a strong exposition of highly educated, gentle husband men`s suffering their inner conflict, their heartfelt anguish, their chest rendering pain and the wail of their miserable condition in a very pathetic manner living among the civilized human society of the world. It well exposes the helpless condition of a gentle husband person in t he society which is known as the man dominant one. It has also a slight satirical attack upon the modern legal system prepared particularly for women security, its drawbacks and its negative aspects. The expression of vehement mental anguish and poignant wail of most prestigiously gentle husband man like Dr. Nilay is the key note of the novel. Besides these things the novel contains a very superb glorification of womanhood as well as of a good wife in the life of any man. Several allusion s and quotations are full of enormous practical wisdom. It also deals with the unique description of love, its power, it s validity and its all pervasive force. I hope every sensible reader will appreciate this work. Wishing for the bright future.
ISBN : 9789380222523
Pages : 198