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  Buddhism and Psychology

Buddhism And Psychology

by C. D. Naik

  Price : Rs 1325.00
  Your Price : Rs 967.25
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  ABOUT THE BOOKThis book Buddhism and Psychology dives deep into the stream of consciousness and churns the ocean of Peace, Education and Globalisation, Kamma, Dhamma, Abhidhamma, Khandhas, Lobha, Dosa, Ahetukacittas (rootless cittas), The First Citta in Life, Bhavanga, Javana, Objects and Doors, Elements, Planes of Existence, Jhanacittas, Lokuttara-Cittas, CittaVithi, Dhammaskandha, Fetus and Breathing, Sensations and Sankhara, Matter (Rupa), and Magga that lead practitioner to the supramundane helping, caring and selfless nature. If we are for building India into a knowledge society and knowledge superpower we should evolve so in action, word and spirit. Given vision and mission the day is not far when we will see the light of enlightenment through education for all, employment for the unemployed, capacity building and skill development for the industrious and training and extension at every doorstep through research and innovative thinking species.American, Indian, German… these are not skies to fly in, these are prisons to live in. Body affects mind, mind affects body. Truth can be known only by a mirror like mind. Mind lives in time – mind is time. Unconscious mind means disintegrated man. Thought is the inner material. When you disperse thought only space remains, immaterial space. Man who is just a mirror, reflects reality.

ISBN : 9789353242237

Pages : 318
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