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  Antony and Cleopatra

Antony And Cleopatra

by William Shakespeare

  Price : Rs 390.00
  Your Price : Rs 284.70
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  The story concerns Mark Antony, Roman military leader and triumvir, who is besottedly in love with Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and former mistress of Pompey and Julius Caesar. Summoned to Rome upon the death of his wife, Fulvia, who had openly antagonized his fellow triumvir Octavius, Antony heals the residual political rift by marrying Octavius’s sister, Octavia. Word of the event enrages Cleopatra. Renewed contention with Octavius and desire for Cleopatra, however, send Antony back to his lover’s arms. When the rivalry erupts into warfare, Cleopatra accompanies Antony to the Battle of Actium, where her presence proves militarily disastrous. She heads back to Egypt, and Antony follows, pursued by Octavius. Anticipating the eventual outcome, Antony’s friend and loyal officer Enobarbus deserts him and joins Octavius. At Alexandria, Octavius eventually defeats Antony. Cleopatra, fearing for her life in light of Antony’s increasingly erratic behaviour, sends a false report of her suicide, which prompts Antony to wound himself mortally. Carried by his soldiers to the queen’s hiding place in one of her monuments, he dies in her arms. Rather than submit to Roman conquest, the grieving Cleopatra arranges to have a poisonous snake delivered to her in a basket of figs. Attended by her faithful servants Charmian and Iras, she kills herself.

ISBN : 9788121262309

Pages : 201
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