Step by Step Classification (SSC) is a formula based library classification scheme. The classification number (CN) of a document can be derived based on a single formula CN = I date Each letter I date is called element representing discipline, area, time, and extra information respectively covered in the text of classifying document.
Each element is to be prefixed to the respective class number to get clarity in classification number which will be useful in arranging the document and locating the same easily in the library. To provide classification numbers certain devices like NDA, CD, LDD are being provided. Hence all types of documents in any physical form can be classified. It is a flexible scheme. Sufficient space is provided to classify newly emerging disciplines which may be developed in future. Language is not a barrier to classify documents and classification numbers can be allotted to any language with help of NDA numbers.
SSC is a unique classification scheme useful to all types of libraries belonged to school, university, research organization public, National irrespective of its collections.
Basically SSC is a subject oriented classification scheme ie; documents are to be arranged subject wise. But the scheme has facilitates in arranging documents by area, time, or extra information by interchanging element class numbers in a library in the interest of users.
The formula is useful to derive computerized classification number. The same formula may also be used in other fields as mentioned in theory.
ISBN - 9788193359792