t has been calculated that, on average, we spend 115 days of our life laughing. Work is another important component of our lives. On average, Indians sleep for 528 minutes per night and work for 486 minutes per day. That means that we spend 53 per cent of our waking time working.
This book takes American President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s comment—‘a sense of humour is part of the art of leadership’—very seriously—but, of course, with a light touch, scintillating humour and some solid research!
In offices preoccupied with deadlines and targets, this book considers how workplace humour can accelerate efficiency and productivity—be it by managing stress, solving management problems, negotiating conflicts, or motivating staff. Chock-full with case studies, it proves that humour is one of the foundation stones of effective leadership.
ISBN - 9788129145260
Pages : 190