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  Law of Defamation & Malicious Prosecution Civil and Criminal with Model forms of Plaints and Defences and Allied Legislations

Law Of Defamation & Malicious Prosecution Civil And Criminal With Model Forms Of Plaints And Defences And Allied Legislations

by V Mitter

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 952.65
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  V Mitter Law of Defamation and Malicious Prosecution: Civil and Criminal is a comprehensive commentary on the subject of Defamation and Malicious Prosecution inter alia covering the civil and criminal law aspects of the subject. In this fourteenth edition, all latest and landmark judgments passed by the Supreme Court as well as High Courts in the country since the publication of the last edition have been extensively covered, discussed and elaborated with a view to render the present state of law to the avid readers. The book shall be of immense help to law students, law faculty, law college libraries, academicians, lawyers, judges, journalists et al.

ISBN - 9788131251232

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