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  BITSAT 2017

Bitsat 2017

by B. M. Sharma | G. Tewani | K.S. Saini | S. Verma

  Price : Rs 799.00
  Your Price : Rs 679.15
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  The Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani conducts BITS Admission Test (BITSAT)—an online test of total three hours duration—for admission into the first degree programmes at its Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad centre. The test consists of four parts: Physics, Chemistry, English Proficiency and Logical Reasoning, and Mathematics. All questions are of objective type (multiple choice questions) and each question appears with choice of four answers, only one being correct. Each correct answer fetches three marks, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of 1 mark (–1 mark). The total number of questions is generally 150. The syllabus prescribed for BITSAT is set on the basis of NCERT curriculum for Class XI and XII.

CENGAGE Learning’s Exam Crack Series™ presents BITSAT 2017—a book made for BITS aspirants to help them prepare for BITSAT in a more systematic and focused way so as to optimize their resources in the best possible manner. The topic-based theory in this book will help aspirants master basic concepts and solve relevant multiple choice questions with great ease. Memory-based previous years’ questions are added at the end of every chapter that will give the aspirants a feel of the type and difficulty of the questions asked in BITSAT. Detailed solutions are also provided for all the exercises at the end of the book.

ISBN - 9788131532546

Pages : 1060
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