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  The Iran Wars

The Iran Wars

by Jay Solomon

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 559.20
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  This is the deeply reported, riveting account of a war waged on many levels that most don`t realize America has been engaged in for years. Using a combination of economic sanctions, covert operations, global diplomacy and intelligence work, the United States has struggled to stabilize and contain Iran`s aspirations for Middle Eastern dominance, one of the most alarming foreign policy threats we face. At the same time, Iran has used Middle Eastern wars, its own formidable intelligence networks and proxy militias to undermine the United States` foothold in the Middle East. Through missed opportunities, miscommunication and mistrust the two nations have periodically moved toward and backed away from moments of understanding and compromise, ultimately finding their way to a tenuous nuclear agreement. Jay Solomon provides an unprecedented glimpse into the power struggle that the United States and Iran are locked into and the machinations that led to the historic nuclear deal.

ISBN - 9780812993646

Pages : 336
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