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  Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

Oxford Handbook Of Clinical Haematology (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

by Provan, Baglin, Dokal & De Vos

  Price : Rs 2975.00
  Your Price : Rs 2677.50
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  The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology provides core and concise information on the entire spectrum of blood disorders affecting both adults and children. Updated for its fourth edition, it includes all major advances in the specialty, including malignant haematology, haemato-oncology, coagulation, transfusion medicine and red cell disorders, with a brand new chapter on rare diseases. Practically focused and specifically designed for ease-of-use and rapid access to the information you need, this handbook is an indispensable resource on all aspects of haematology for all trainee doctors, nurses, technicians and research professionals.

The handbook is divided into clinical approach and disease-specific areas. The clinical approach section outlines various symptoms and signs in patients with blood disease to enable the reader to formulate a sensible differential diagnosis beofre embarking on investigation and treatment. The disease-specific section is written by four authors whose expertise covers the whole breadth of diseases included in the book. All authors have contributed to national guidelines (e.g. British Committee for Standards in Haematology, BCSH) and are experts in the evidence base that exists for each topic. The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology offers a concise and logical approach to caring for patients with diseases of the blood.

A concise, clinical handbook covering the whole of haematology
Reflects current practice with up-to-date investigation and management
Easy-to-understand and useful for all grades of medical, nursing, technical and research staff
Includes rare disorders as well as common conditions affecting both adults and children
Practically focused, written by a team of experienced, practicing cliniciansISBN - 9780199683307

Pages : 864
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