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  Dependence and Disillusionment: Emergence of National Consciousness in Later 19th Century India

Dependence And Disillusionment: Emergence Of National Consciousness In Later 19Th Century India

by Chandra, Sudhir

  Price : Rs 675.00
  Your Price : Rs 607.50
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  This book offers a comprehensive framework for the study of Indian nationalism. Departing from unidimensional explanations of nationalism, it highlights the role of change and continuity in the making of modern India. Dependence and Disillusionment discusses the emergence of national consciousness in India, a subjective phenomenon, through a variety of objective factors like: the multiple legacies of 1857 the emergence of new classes and political associations, introduction of English education, and social reform the economic impact of taxation and expenditure, famines, `drain`, and swadeshi and political aspects such as racialism, freedom of expression and growth of nationalism. Sudhir Chandra also examines the contradictions and paradoxes latent in the nationalist consciousness. In the new Introduction to this edition he apprises the reader of the current trends and research in the study of nationalism, and the growth and transformation of this consciousness in modern India.ISBN - 9780198071624

Pages : 252
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