about the book:- The Anatomy of Wireless Sensor Networks provides readers with an in-depth discussion of what wireless sensor networks are, their practical applications and their anatomy. The anatomy of wireless sensor networks will be explained using a multidimensional approach. The first dimension focuses on wireless sensor nodes. The second dimension focuses on the networking aspect of WSNs and offers a comparison with the OSI model. The layers discussed within the ˜networking` section include the physical layer, the medium access layer, the network layer, the transportation layer and the application layer. The third dimension addresses the management aspect at various layers, focusing on power management, mobility management, time synchronisation, task management and security
About the Series Editors
Part One: Introduction 1 Motivation for a Network of Wireless Sensor Nodes 1.1 Definitions and Background 1.2 Challenges and Constraints
2 Applications 2.1 Structural Health Monitoring 2.2 Traffic Control 2.3 Health Care 2.4 Pipeline Monitoring 2.5 Precision Agriculture 2.6 Active Volcano 2.7 Underground Mining
3 Node Architecture 3.1 The Sensing Subsystem 3.2 The Processor Subsystem 3.3 Communication Interfaces 3.4 Prototypes
4 Operating Systems 4.1 Functional Aspects 4.2 Nonfunctional Aspects 4.3 Prototypes 4.4 Evaluation Part Two: Basic Architectural Framework
5 Physical Layer 5.1 Basic Components 5.2 Source Encoding 5.3 Channel Encoding 5.4 Modulation
6 Medium Access Control 6.1 Overview 6.2 Wireless MAC Protocols 6.3 Characteristics of MAC Protocols in Sensor Networks 6.4 Contention-Free MAC Protocols 6.5 Contention-Based MAC Protocols 6.6 Hybrid MAC Protocols 6.7 Summary
7 Network Layer 7.1 Overview 7.2 Routing Metrics 7.3 Flooding and Gossiping 7.4 Data-Centric Routing 7.5 Proactive Routing 7.6 On-Demand Routing 7.7 Hierarchical Routing 7.8 Location-Based Routing 7.9 QoS-Based Routing Protocols 7.10 Summary Part Three: Node and Network Management
8 Power Management 8.1 Local Power Management Aspects 8.2 Dynamic Power Management 8.3 Conceptual Architecture
9 Time Synchronization 9.1 Clocks and the Synchronization Problem 9.2 Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks 9.3 Basics of Time Synchronization 9.4 Time Synchronization Protocols
10 Localization 10.1 Overview 10.2 Ranging Techniques 10.3 Range-Based Localization 10.4 Range-Free Localization 10.5 Event-Driven Localization
11 Security 11.1 Fundamentals of Network Security 11.2 Challenges of Security in Wireless Sensor Networks 11.3 Security Attacks in Sensor Networks 11.4 Protocols and Mechanisms for Security 11.5 IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee Security 11.6 Summary
12 Sensor Network Programming 12.1 Challenges in Sensor Network Programming 12.2 Node-Centric Programming 12.3 Macroprogramming 12.4 Dynamic Reprogramming 12.5 Sensor Network Simulators
Exercises References IndexISBN - 9788126551255