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  Pediatric Drug Directory

Pediatric Drug Directory

by Suraj Gupte, Novy Gupte

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 260.00
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  This book provides a plethora of handy information eagerly sought by all those involved in the pharmacotherapy of sick children including neonates and adolescents. Salient clinical pharmacological features of such new molecules as fifth generation cephalosporins (ceftarolin, ceftobiprole), non-penicillin non-cephalosporin betalactams (aztreonam, imipenem-cilastatin, meropenem), tigecycline, dalbavancin, oritavancin, etc. find a due incorporation in the text. Addition of a fine, brief and to-the-point chapter on pediatric emergencies in the new edition is a wise step. This may well be further expanded in the future edition.

Over and above the excellent contents, the presentation is simple, lucid and to-the-point. Rational division of the contents in sections, chapters and listing of the drugs of various groups in alphabetic order are of great help to the reader. Additionally, a comprehensive index facilitates easy and speedy access to and retrieval of the requisite information. ISBN - 9789351521556

Pages : 384
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