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  Textbook of Biochemistry & Biophysics for Nurses

Textbook Of Biochemistry & Biophysics For Nurses

by Suresh K Sharma

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  Biochemistry and Biophysics is a growing enterprise worldwide, driven primarily by the widespread realization of the major contribution that can be made to biological science by a combination of truly state-of-the-art physical measurements with modern molecular biology. The field occupies a unique and central position at the intersection of the biological, chemical, physical, and medical sciences.

This textbook titled “Textbook of Biochemistry and Biophysics for Nurses” is a modest attempt to present the basic principles and practices of biochemistry and biophysics in simple, lucid and illustrative manner by incorporating their applications to healthcare and nursing practices. The content of textbook is divided into two sections; Section-A Biochemistry and Section-B Biophysics. Section-A includes basics of biochemistry, cell, water, electrolytes, enzymes, digestions and absorption of food. Furthermore, biochemical aspects and metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and fat has been presented. Section-B includes basic physical principles and healthcare/nursing applications of biophysics like motions, gravity, force, energy, work, heat, light, pressure, sound, electricity, electromagnetism, atomic energy and electronics. The content of biophysics has been presented using non-mathematical approach by incorporating adequate examples from healthcare and nursing sciences. In addition, it has been ensured that each physical principle is simply defined and discussed with its application to nursing practices. ISBN - 9789350907320

Pages : 304
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