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  No One Has to Know: Smart Anti-Ageing for Indian Skin

No One Has To Know: Smart Anti-Ageing For Indian Skin

by Jamuna Pai

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 389.22
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  Make a wish. Beautiful, glowing skin. Hair that shines with health. No age spots or dark circles. The very process of ageing slowed down to a gentle crawl.
You now have the power. NO ONE HAS TO KNOW, the ultimate guide to anti-ageing by celebrated medical cosmetologist and pioneer in age-defying techniques Dr Jamuna Pai, works on the principle that people willing to invest time and other resources in anti-ageing treatments dont always want to look like they have done so. This painstakingly detailed yet easy-to-read book not only explains what speeds up the ageing process but also what effectively slows it down. Dr Pai debuts her less is more 5E approach to skin Everyday, Exfoliate, Erase, Eat and Exercise to help you understand that subtle changes have the biggest impact. From homemade remedies to sunscreens, from facial exercises to Botox, from alkalizing foods to state-of-the-art non-surgical techniques, this is your one-stop resource for cutting-edge advice depending on your age, the severity of the problem and your budget. There are fine lines between enhancement and transformation and between transformation and mutation, and Dr Pai believes that the most powerful way to fight ageing is to look like the most glorious version of you. Because the best form of anti-ageing is the kind that keeps everyone guessing. No one has to know.

ISBN - 9789351364580

Pages : 264
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