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  ACE Biology for AIPMT/ NEET/ AIIMS/ AFMC/ BHU/ JIPMER Medical Entrance Exam Vol. 2 (class 12) 2nd Edition

Ace Biology For Aipmt/ Neet/ Aiims/ Afmc/ Bhu/ Jipmer Medical Entrance Exam Vol. 2 (Class 12) 2Nd Edition

by Dr. Ramesh C Narang; Dr. Sahil Agarwal

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 318.75
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  ACE Biology for AIPMT/NEET/AIIMS/AFMC/BHU/JIPMER Medical Entrance Exam Vol. 2 (class 12) 2nd Edition is a Scientifically developed book for guaranteed success in NEET Common medical entrance exam. The book is developed on an objective pattern following the chapter plan as per the NCERT books of class 12.
The book contains 16 chapters in all. Each chapter provides exhaustive point-wise theory for better retention. This is the unique selling point of the book. Most of the

books provide detailed theory with huge paragraphs which makes it really cumbersome for the Students to study from such a book. This book provides the complete chapters in the form of point-wise notes prepared by expert faculties thus making it India`s first Student Friendly book in Biology. The testimony to the above fact is that out of the 40 questions from class 12 syllabus asked in AIPMT 2014 around 38 were covered in the theory portion of the book. The theory is supplemented with At a Glance, Well labeled Diagrams, Illustrations, Illustrated pictures, Connecting Concepts, Checkpoints etc. followed by a set of 3 MCQ exercises for practice.

The first exercise is completely based on the NCERT book. The second exercise presents a window to competitive exams, where questions of past years of the leading medical exams are covered. The third exercise is "Test Yourself" which is a collection of best questions for practice. The explanations to the selected questions of the third exercise are provided immediately at the end of each chapter. The book follows the latest AIPMT syllabus as approved by the CBSE Board. The book is a must for every Medical aspirant. It is one of the most Student Friendly book for Biology.

Table of Contents:

Reproduction in Organisms
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Human Reproduction
Reproductive Health
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Human Health and Disease
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
Microbes in Human Welfare
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes
Biotechnology and its Applications
Organisms and Populations
Biodiversities and Conservation
Environmental IssuesISBN - 9789384089870

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