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  Corporate Governance, 3rd ed.?•

Corporate Governance, 3Rd Ed.?•

by Prasad

  Price : Rs 725.00
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Due to increased globalization of trade, the business environment in most countries has become very competitive. Businesses have to work hard to find new customers and retain old ones. This has made good corporate governance indispensable to those who want to survive and flourish. This revised text, now in its Third Edition, continues to discuss the contemporary issues of corporate governance in the wake of changing business ambience. It provides the students and professionals with an understanding of techniques and methods that can be used in practice for introducing effective governance in companies. The Third Edition incorporates the updated revised SEBI rules and the powers given to it by the Government Ordinance in Chapter 12 (Highlights of SEBI`s Achievements) and Chapter 13 (Special Features of the Companies Amendment Bill, 2012). Besides, a new chapter on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been included as Chapter 10 which is an important aspect of corporate governance. Case studies on CSR have been discussed which highlight the practice in organizations for treating CSR as a philosophy of the top management. It is a valuable textbook for the students pursuing MBA, PGDM or MSW courses who are offered corporate governance as the select topic. Besides, practitioners will also find the book useful while reading the text along with the updated legal provisions and this will enable them to take a consolidated view on their decisions on corporate governance related issues.

Key Features:

Many relevant and interesting case studies have been included in the chapters.
All the chapters have been enriched with conclusion and summary to have a quick recap of the topic.
Review questions have been added at the end of the each chapter which are designed to test the grasping of the subject knowledge by the students.
Text and cases on CSR, which is a mandatory activity under the Companies Amendment Bill, 2012 has been incorporated.
The revised text includes highlights of SEBI`s initiatives and the revision in its rules and suggestions for changes in SEBI`s functioning.

Table of Contents:


Shareholders and Their Role
Directors and Their Role
The Corporate Dashboard
Measurement of Board Performance
The Learning Board Model: Professionalizing the Board
Performance of Management
Summary of Codes of Best Governance
Corporate Governance in India
Corporate Social Responsibility
Role of SEBI in the Current Scenario
Highlights of SEBI`s Achievements
Special Features of the Companies Amendment Bill, 2012
Company Law
International Governance


IndexISBN - 9788120348936

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