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by Rabindranath Tagore

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  This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1917. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... PREFACE "Nationalism in the West" is one of a series of lectures delivered throughout the United States during the winter of 1916-17. "Nationalism in Japan" is based upon two lectures delivered in Japan before the Imperial University and the Keio Gijuku University in June and July, 1916. "Nationalism in India," written in the United States late in 1916, is the poet`s reflection upon the state of his own country, and gives world-wide completeness to the discussion of Nationalism. The poem at the conclusion of the book, "The Sunset of the Century," was written on the last day of the last century. 1 NATIONALISM IN THE WEST-./ Man`s history is being shaped, according tcthe difficulties it encounters. These have offered us problems and claimed their solutions from us, the penalty of non-fulfilment being death or degradation. These difficulties have been different in different peoples of the earth, and in the manner of our overcoming them lies our distinction. The Scythians of the earlier period of Asiatic history had to struggle with the scarcity of their natural resources. The easiest solution that they could think of was to organize their whole population, men, women, and children, into bands of robbers. And they were irresistible to those who were chiefly engaged in the constructive work of social cooperation. But fortunately for man the easiest path is not his truest path. If his nature were not as complex as it is, if it were as simple as that of a pack 13 of hungry wolves, then, by this time, those hordes of marauders would have overrun the whole earth. But man, when confronted with difficulties, has to acknowledge that he is man, that he has his responsibilities to the higher faculties of his nature, -by ignpri*n Vwhkh he...ISBN - 9789381523209

Pages : 119
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