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  South Asia 2060 - Envisioning Regional Futures

South Asia 2060 - Envisioning Regional Futures

by Adil Najam, Moeed Yusuf

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  The Pardee Center and its authors should be congratulated for this ambitious and comprehensive effort to project trends and imagine alternative realities 50 years hence for areas that will remain key challenges in South Asia, ranging from democracy and regional identity to education to water management. This work will remain a valuable reference for scholars and practitioners alike as they strive to understand the effects of these trends and new realities in this diverse and perplexing region, soon to be the world’s largest, on the lives of people there, and on overall global stability. In addition, the well-researched ‘worst case scenarios’ can help focus the minds of governments and civil society to ensure that investments are made now that will ensure a positive shift in South Asia’s trajectory. —Robin Raphel, former Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs, USA

South Asia still remains the serpent that eats its tail, but this book spurs fresh intellectual agency on a region that is in danger of missing its ‘moment.’ It offers a compelling set of arguments that pivot on the case for a stronger regional identity and imaginative thinking for a future constructed on hope. Required reading for policymakers looking for informed discourse as well as much-needed unconventional wisdoms on South Asia. —Sherry Rehman, former Federal Minister of Pakistan

Leading experts on South Asia have gazed through the telescope and offered their predictions for the political and socioeconomic landscape of 2060. What emerges is a surprisingly optimistic composite picture of a vibrant, dynamic and cohesive region. The prospects of South Asia evolving into Southasia are tantalizing. This is political astronomy at its best. —Lalit Mansingh, former Foreign Secretary of India

South Asia 2060” is a dialogue among 47 experts from a diverse range of expertise and backgrounds, ranging from policymakers to academia to civil society activists and visionaries, on the likely longer-range trajectories of South Asia’s future. The collection explores current regional trends, possible future trajectories, and the key factors that will determine whether these trajectories are positive or negative for the region, as a region. Departing from a purely security-based analysis, the volume considers factors such as development and human well-being to reveal not what will happen but what could happen, as well as the impact present conditions could have on the rest of the world.
List of Abbreviations
Introduction Imagining South Asian Futures
SECTION I: SOUTH ASIA AS A REGION: Chapter 1: Prisoners or Masters of Destiny?
Chapter 2: South Asian Futures: Three Scenarios
Chapter 3: Federalism on the Road: Region and Regionalism
Chapter 4: Diversity in South Asia
Chapter 5: Future’s Past
SECTION II: STATE RELATIONS: Chapter 6: The Future of Democracy
Chapter 7: Conflict and Reconciliation: Three Scenarios
Chapter 8: Religion and State Formation
Chapter 9: Will South Asia Still Be Terrorism’s Center of Gravity?
Chapter 10: Speculations on Nuclear South Asia
Chapter 11: Nuclear Risk: Overstated or Underrated?
Chapter 12: The Shadow of the India–Pakistan Stalemate
Chapter 13: Regional Integration
Chapter 14: The Future of Integration
Chapter 15: The Giant Neighbor: Why is China Important?
SECTION III: DEVELOPMENT: Chapter 16: South Asian Economy in 2060
Chapter 17: Economic Futures: Challenges Ahead
Chapter 18: South Asia in the Asian Economy: Struggling to Overcome History
Chapter 19: Globalization and South Asia
Chapter 20: Trade Relations: Some Predictions and Lessons
Chapter 21: Urban Policy for Environmental Quality and Well-Being
Chapter 22: Urban Futures, Urban Challenges
Chapter 23: Water Security: Risks and Responses
Chapter 24: Agriculture and Food Security
Chapter 25: Meeting Electric Power Demand in South Asia
Chapter 26: E-South Asia: A Social Science Fiction
SECTION IV: HUMAN WELL-BEING: Chapter 27: Population Dynamics, Economic Prospects and Regional Coherence
Chapter 28: Towards Cooperation for Poverty Reduction?
Chapter 29: Health Challenges
Chapter 30: Regional Disease Dynamics
Chapter 31: Education: Time Bomb or Silver Bullet?
Chapter 32: Scholarship in and on South Asia
Chapter 33: Rights and Justice: A Prospective View
Chapter 34: Patriarchy, Power and Paradox: Dreaming Gender Equality and Development
Chapter 35: Women in South Asia
Chapter 36: Media: New Trends, Old Problems
Chapter 37: Sports: Passion and Industry
About the Authors

ISBN - 9789380601908

Pages : 338
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