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  Biogas tec. Towards sustiiable development

Biogas Tec. Towards Sustiiable Development

by Mr Sushil K

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  Therefore, it is extremely important to find alternative, environment-friendly, and ecologically sound sources of energy for meeting the present and future energy requirements. Biogas Technology: Towards Sustainable Development makes an attempt to explore the potential of utilizing biodegradable biomass as fuel and manure. Contents: Preface / Acronyms 1. BIOGAS TECHNOLOGY Introduction / Biogas: A Renewable Energy Source / Scope of Biomethanation / Historical Development of Biomethanation / History of Biomethanation in India / Diffusion of Biogas Plants in India / Factors Hindering the Distribution of Biogas Plants / Conclusion 2. ANAEROBIC DIGESTION Introduction / Process of Anaerobic Decomposition / Microbiology of Anaerobic Decomposition / Parameters Affecting Biomethanation / Anaerobic Versus Aerobic Decompositiona / Feedstock / Application of Anaerobic Technology / Conclusion 3. BIOGAS PLANT MODELS Introduction / Popular Biogas Models in India / Floating Gasholder Type Plants / Fixed Dome Type Plants / Other Biogas Models in India / Community Biogas Plants / Other Anaerobic Digestion Systems / Solid State Fermenters / Conclusion 4. BIOGAS AS ENERGY SOURCE Introduction / Composition of Biogas / Biogas Storage and Distribution / Biogas Utilization / Biogas Appliances / Comparison with Other Fuels / Enrichment of Methane in Biogas / Conclusion 5. BIOGAS SPENT SLURRY AS MANURE Introduction / Changing Scenario of Nutrient Consumption / Scope of Biogas as Manure Source / Drying and Handling of Slurry / Agricultural Applications / Comparison with Other Fertilizers / Sustainability of Fertilizer Usage / Conclusion 6. BIOGAS AND ENVIRONMENT Introduction / Air Pollution / Fire and Explosion / Soil and Water Pollution / Source of Pathogens Solving Environmental Problems / Controlling Pathogens / Conclusion 7. BIOGAS AND GLOBAL WARMING Introduction / Greenhouse Gases / Biogas Plant as Source of Greenhouse Gases / Effects of Global Warming / Sinks for Atmospheric Methane / Methane Emission Mitigation Strategies / Biogas and Clean Development Mechanism / Conclusion 8. BIOGAS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Introduction / Energy Consumption Pattern in Rural India / Biogas as a Source of Rural Energy / Biogas and Sustainable Developmenta / Biogas and Women / Integrated Farming System / Cost benefit Analysis / ConclusionISBN - 9788179934043

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