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  Voices Unheard (A Socio, Economic and Political Investigation in the Countryside)

Voices Unheard (A Socio, Economic And Political Investigation In The Countryside)

by S.A. Vidyasagar

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  (Hi)story of tools savaging machine! Fed by policies, adorned by bureaucracy, rhetoric of development playing the rigadoon, the giantly tool whirled through the countryside for it cannot be gently, crushed and squeezed, rustic ranks ran amok. The tool for exchange of agricultural produce, the money, turned into capital deshaped and denuded all. Land, from source for survival to chance of investment. Frightened and despotic, the handicraftsman, the artisan were spit onto the dusty, pitty urban roads. Scared and scathed the peasant became foot loose reciting melic pathos. Chopped and chewn the tribes men and the fishermen crowded the darky hellish slums. The wand of capital is too magical to withhold temptation. This was all assiduously driven home through volumes of official reports, speeches by the powers, in the legislature. People from over 100 villages, surveyed by the author, speak for themselves in a sample and logical way. On ground research for five years analysed in the light of time tested theories S.A. Vidyasagar hails from Andhra Pradesh is working as a Superintendent with the Department of Central Excise & Customs at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He studied BA, BEd and worked as a teacher for few years. Occasionally, he contributes to regional newspapers and journals. He is one of the founder members of the Centre For Independent Researchers and also CFIR\`s inhouse researcher. K A L P A Z unheard unheard voices voices voice s unheard (A Socio, and Political Investigation in The Countryside) Economic (A Socio, and Political Investigation in The Countryside) Economic S.A.Vidyasagar S.A.Vidyasagar (A Socio, Economic and Political Investigation in The Countryside) Edited by B.Ramanaidu Preface 11: A Brief Synopsis of All Chapters 15 1. Villages: Regarding My Research Area • The Villages of this District • Village’s: Self-sufficiency.: 2. Land: Private Property on Land in Vizagapatam District • Agrarian Structure: • Land Records and Agricultural Statistics • Changing landholding: Pattern in the National Level • Changing Landholding Pattern in: Andhra Pradesh • Land Holding Pattern in the District • Land: Holding Marginal and Small • Agricultural Operations in a Small: Land Holding an Example in Villages • Land Allocations • The Land: Problem • Land to Tiller Slogan a Miserable Failure •: Agrarian Question and its Solution • Lands Struggles in the: District • Sompeta Struggle against Nagarjuna Construction: Company (NCC) • Second Type of Land Struggles • Madduvalasa: Reservoir • Land Holding Pattern in Surveyed Villages • Land: Alienation and New Forces as Land owners • Conversion of Farm: Lands as Plantations • Division of Labour-Changing Cropping: Pattern.: 3. Agriculture: Changing Pattern in Agriculture • Tenancy • Contract Farming •: Land Usage Pattern • Land Usage Pattern in Andhra Pradesh •: Land Usage Pattern in Srikakulam District • Variations in the Net: Sown Area across the District • Changing Land Usage Pattern in: Mandals • Agriculture • Balance of Payment Crisis • Peasantry: Problem is Nothing but Balance of Payments Crisis • Share of GDP: and Public Investment in the Agrarian Sector.: 4. Cropping Pattern: Approximate Cost of the Maize Cultivation per an Acre • Oil Seeds: Area in Srikakulam District (in Acres) • Cost Sheet of Groundnut: 33: 48: 84: 107 (Approximate) • Fertilisers Usage for Oil Palm per an Acre • Changing: Pattern in Commercial Crops in this District • The Cost of Mesta: Cultivation for the Year 2010-11 (Approximate) • The Cost Sheet of: Cotton for the Year 2010-11 • Cost Sheet of Sugarcane (Approximate: for 2010-11) • Conversion of Farm Lands as Plantations • Division: of Labour-Changing Cropping Pattern.: 5. Human Resources: Education as a Social Capital • Early Seeds of Modern Education in: this District • Rural Exodus and Withdrawal of Youth.: 6. Livestock and Mechanisation: Changing Pattern of Livestock in the State • Livestock in the: District • Mechanisation in Agriculture • Heavy Machinery in: Agriculture • Tractors in the Country.: 7. Irrigation: Rivers in the District • Irrigation Profile of the District • Contemplated: Projects and Disputes • Vamshadhara Phase II Reservoir • Thotapalli: Balancing Reservoir • Disparity in the Irrigation Facilities •: Incomplete Reservoirs • Adaru Reservoir • Jamparukota Reservoir •: Meliaputti Offshore Reservoir and Mahendratanaya River •: Irrigation Through Tanks • Ground Water Irrigation • Wells • Tube: Wells.: 8. Seed Sector: Self-sustainability in the Seed Sector • High Yielding Varieties and: Encouragement Policies • Seed Sector Private and Public: Entrepreneurship • Cotton • Maize. : 9. Fertlisers and Pesticides: Agriculture and Fertilisers • Strategy of Successive Governments: on Fertilisers • Consumption vs. Production • Fertiliser Companies: and Drain of Public and Peasantry’s Wealth • Drain of Wealth •: Remittances of Peasantry Overwhelming Statistics • Source of: Fertilisers • Companies: Public and Private Capital • Pesticides.: 10. Credit: Institutional Credit in this District • Farmers’ Co-operative Societies: • Debt Burden on Indian Peasantry • Changing Credit Pattern in: Srikakulam District.: 11. Market: 12. Rural Industry: PART –II: 13. Forests and Adivasis: Forests in Srikakulam • Record of Forest Right: Land to Adivasis •: Reservations to Scheduled Tribes • Adivasi Population in Srikakulam: 128: 159: 174: 185: 191: 206: 214: 216: 229: Contents 9: District • Trends of the Adivasi Population • Adivasis and the Land: • Land Alienation in Scheduled Areas • Field Level Observations •: Landholding Structure in Carved out Area • Micro-level Analysis: of Land-holding Pattern in two Mandals of Present Srikakulam: District • Micro-level Analysis of Landholding Pattern in two: Mandals of Carved out Area • Landholding Pattern in Saluru Mandal: • Adivasis Methods of Cultivation- Forest Produce • Occupational: Structureof Adivasis • Indebtedness among Adivasis • Migration •: Examples of Migration • Education and Employment • Magic in the: Statistics • Level of Education • Employment of Adivasis.: 14. Dalits: Means of Production-Land • Not Only the Temples but also the: Endowment Lands • Endowment Lands in this District •: Implementation of Land Reforms • State of Land Reforms in Andhra: Pradesh • Occupational Pattern of Dalits • Ground Level Reality on: Land Ownership vis-a-vis Land Related Attacks on Dalits • Attached: Labour- Replica of Semi-serf life • Dalits as Agrarian Labour • Social: Oppression and Attacks on Dalits • Education and Employment •: Migration.: 15. The Fishermen and Sea: Demography of Fisherfolk • Social Composition of Srikakulam: District • Means of Implements • Raft • Kattumaram (Locally Kutlu: padava) • Kattumaram with Thermo Coal • Fibre Boats • Fibre Boats: with Engines • Nets • Implements in the Surveyed Villages •: Mechanisation • Finance • Marine Fish Production • Blatant: Violation of Acts in the Seawaters • Cyclones and Storms •: Government Schemes • Contribution of Marine Fish vs. Allocations: to this Sector • Fisherfolk and Sea • Migration • Global: Examples of Preserving Traditional Fisheries.: 16. Handloom Weavers: Historical Backgroun • Post Independence Period • Handloom: Sector in Srikakulam District • Social Fabric of Weavers • Means of: Implements • Entrepreneurship • Raw material and Final Products •: Changing Pattern in Raw Material Ownership • Supply of Yarn •: Handloom Co-operative Societies in this District • Products •: Weavers after Independence • Wage Rate of Weavers and the: Earnings of Weavers in this District • Bankruptcy of Co-operative: Societies • Policy Interventions and the Handloom Sector •: Protective Measures for the Weavers • Excise Duty and Import: Duty • Can Casualty Prevent the Epidemic? • Employment Pattern: Weaver Community • Migration • Welfare Schemes and Handloom: Sector.: Bibliography 343: Annexure 350: Index 353

ISBN - 9789351280491

Pages : 360
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