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  Stockley`s Drug Interactions 2012 (Pb)

Stockley`S Drug Interactions 2012 (Pb)

by Baxter K.

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 796.00
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"...provides a quick and easy reference text for any pharmacist (hospital, community or otherwise)...The information is based on published sources including clinical studies, case reports and systematic reviews so can be trusted as accurate, evaluated and evidence-based. Only clinically relevant information is included in monographs making it an easy reference to have on hand in a busy working environment. This is a highly recommended reference for a busy working environment providing convenient and practical summary of the comprehensive work of the popular "Stockley`s Drug Interactions"." Brooke Myers, Australian Pharmacist, July 2012. "Each interaction is also followed with a simple rating symbol that identifies whether action needs to be taken, the severity of the interaction and the evidence base for the interaction. This is an extremely useful tool when trying to quickly identify if action needs to be taken...Finding information within the book is simple and very quick which is immeasurably useful on a busy ward...The size of the book is perfect for transport around wards but large enouh to make the text easily readable...As a student I would especially recommend this book for 3rd and 4th year students for clinical topics and clinical placements. As a soon-to-be preregistration trainee I know that I will be using this resource daily" Emily Hemsworth, BPSA Public Relations Officer, June 2012. "Stockleys Drug Interactions Pocket Companion draws on the information provided in its "parent" text, to provide a conveniently sized and easy-to-use drug interactions reference...the pocket size will be of particular use to mobile pharmacists out on ward rounds and or undertaking home visits or rest home visits...The condensed format provides a brief explanation and summary of the evidence for the interaction, along with concise advice on management options...an ideal reference for all pharmacists (and other health professionals) wanting a portable quick reference guide to the most common drug interactions." PSNZ/NZCP enewsletter, April 2012. ISBN - 9780857110251

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