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  Multimedia Systems and its Applications

Multimedia Systems And Its Applications

by Neetu Sharma, Ms. Monika Kansal & Rajesh Kumar Maurya

  Price : Rs 1900.00
  Your Price : Rs 1672.00
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  This book aims to cover undergraduate and graduate level multimedia course but could also be used in more advanced courses and would be a good reference for anyone, including those in industry, interested in current multimedia technologies. It examines a good deal of the core agenda computer science sees as belonging to this subject area. Multimedia has become associated with a certain set of issues in computer science and engineering, and we address those here. We assume that the reader will be comfortable in learning concepts, methods and tools used in this book. This book will be useful for those students who go on to jobs in a multimedia-related industry immediately after their senior year, and sometimes before.

ISBN - 9788182206472

Pages : 208
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