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  Physics for Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Advanced): Optics and Modern Physics, 2E

Physics For Joint Entrance Examination Jee (Advanced): Optics And Modern Physics, 2E

by B. M. Sharma

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 467.50
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Physics for Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Advanced): Optics and Modern Physics, a Cengage Learning Exam Crack Seriesa„¢ product, is designed to help aspiring engineers focus on the subject of physics from two standpoints:

1. To develop their caliber, aptitude, and attitude for the engineering field and profession.
2. To strengthen their grasp and understanding of the concepts of the subjects of study and their applicability at the grassroots level.

Each book in this series approaches the subject in a very conceptual and coherent manner. While its illustrative and solved examples will facilitate easy mastering of the concepts and their applications, an array of solved problems will expose the students to the variety and nature of questions that they can expect to face in the examination. The coverage and features of this series of books make it highly useful for all those preparing for JEE (Advanced) and aspiring to become engineers.


¢ Includes questions and problems from previous years` papers, which will help students understand the pattern of the questions asked in the examination
¢ Features all types of problems asked in the examination:
o Subjective Type
o Single Correct Answer Type
o Multiple Correct Answers Type
o Assertion-Reasoning Type
o Linked Comprehension Type
o Matching Column Type
o Integer Type
o Archives (Up-to-date Previous Years` Questions)
¢ Provides exercises and problems with their complete solutions.
¢ Includes access to 10 free tests on Cengage Learning`s Android App. These tests can also be accessed on the Web

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Geometrical Optics
Chapter 2: Wave Optics
Chapter 3: Photoelectric Effect
Chapter 4: Atomic Physics
Chapter 5: Nuclear Physics
Answers and Solutions
ISBN 9788131522950

Pages : 558
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