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  Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy 2 Edition

Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy 2 Edition

by Gro Jamtvedt, Robert Herbert, K?Re Birger Hagen

  Price : Rs 4508.90
  Your Price : Rs 4058.01
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  Evidence-based practice has become a central part of physiotherapytoday, but it is still an area which is constantly expanding andbeing updated. Written by an international team of experts, thissecond edition continues to outline the basic definitions ofevidence-based practice and clinical reasoning, while detailing howto find and critically appraise evidence and clinical practiceguidelines and the steps to follow in the implementation andevaluation of evidence.

For those struggling to understand both the concepts and how toimplement them, this book will prove to be an invaluable andpractical guide.

Considers how both quantitative and qualitative research can be used to answer clinical questions
Written for readers with different levels of expertise

Highlighted critical points and text box summaries (basic)
Detailed explanations in text (intermediate)
Footnotes (advanced)
Presents detailed strategies for searching physiotherapy-relevant databases
Extensive consideration of clinical practice guidelines

Chapter asking the question: When and how should new therapies be introduced into clinical practice?
Search strategies
Evaluating quality of interventions
Placebo effects
Meta-regression .ISBN - 9780702054501

Pages : 186
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