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  The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, the counter culture and how the crazy ones took over the world

The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counter Culture And How The Crazy Ones Took Over The World

by Luke Dormehl

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 650.00
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  The true story behind the rise of the world`s largest technology company .

This is the story of how the sex, drugs and rock n roll generation changed the world for ever. Meet the Crazy Ones who created Silicon Valley the hippies who started the Homebrew Computer Club; the young ad executive who first sketched out Apples iconic logo; the engineers who met lying down in a cardboard geodesic dome at Stanford University. From Steve Wozniak, who built the first breakthrough Apple computers, to Jony Ive, the young Brit who imagined the iPod - the designers and programmers, the geeks, creatives and dreamers, they are all here.

And at the centre of it all, a bearded and barefoot Steve Jobs, whose singular vision would will Apple Inc. into a future that it would come to own ...ISBN - 9780753540626

Pages : 544
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